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Online Auto Repair Appointments

Let your clients book your services online from the comfort of their home.

You will be notified when a user makes an appointment

In-App Calendar

keep rack of your appointments right inside the app

Online Booking

place a code on your website and allow users to book your services

Working Time

setup your shop’s working time and holidays

Service Booking On the Go

– a smooth and advanced booking system for any auto repair business –

Booking Calendar

– keep all your appointments at your fingertips –

The core function of any reputable auto repair shop is its ability to book clients. If you’re still managing appointments via phone calls, then it’s time to update your system. If you’re still using in-store booking as your main way to get clients, then it’s time to use a proper auto repair software that comes with booking support.

Ease to Use

Once you try our calendar, you will not want to use any other booking system. The calendar smoothly integrates with the rest of the ARI system so you can easily convert bookings into Invoices or Jobcards. Also, you can easily convert the client info requested at the time of booking into a client record in ARI.

Designed for Auto Service Appointments

The Calendar functionality is designed specifically for auto repair businesses. The info required includes time and date of the boking, client contact info and also vehicle details. You can even add notes about the parts and labor required for the job.

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book an auto repair service

ARI online booking page

Online Appointments

– clients can book your auto repair services online –

One of the best features of this auto repair software is online booking. Basically, you can offer your clients a simple and efficient way to make appointments to your shop. All you have to do is send them a link (provided by us during online booking setup). Or, you can even add the booking option onto your own website if you have one

Unique Booking Link

During the setup process of ARI online booking, you will receive a unique link that will open your own online booking page. You can share that link with any clients or you can add it to your emails so users can easily book their next auto repair service online.

Integration for Websites

Do you have a website for your auto repair shop? Then you can insert this code on any page of your website and you’ll have a fully-integrated booking system right on your site. The clients won’t have to leave your website to book a service with you!

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Studies have shown that users prefer to use online booking rather than phonecalls, so make sure you take full advantage of this feature!


– make sure to set up your appointments feature right –

Before you can use the booking system properly, we strongly suggest that you set it up correctly. This will give you the opportunity to run appointments easily and avoid double bookings.

Working Hours

ARI Online Booking offers you the possibility to set up your calendar according to your shop’s working hours. In addition, you can also choose a different working time for the weekends and even clear out holidays. This way, you can rest assured that users won’t be able to book you when you’re unavailable


You can also set up predefined services so users can choose from when making an auto repair service appointment. Services such as oil replacement, tire change, filter replacement, lockout, or battery charge can help your clients book faster.

how to set up working time on ARI

screenshot of appointment details on ARI

Booking Details

– get all the data you need and use it seamlessly

With this auto repair software, you can rest assured that everything works seamlessly, including the calendar and booking integrations. When you create a new appointment, whether online or manually, you get to choose the data, time, client info, vehicle details and even leave notes about the service required.

You also have the possibility to call the client and confirm their appointment right from the ARI app. Confirmed appointments will show up in a different color in your calendar and the client will receive an email confirming the service.

Every auto repair appointment can be transformed into a JobCard or Invoice with the simple setting. The client will be automatically added to your clients management section and the vehicle will be added to the vehicle management page.

Let’s get started with auto repair appointments

– unlimited bookings –

– Professional Auto Repair Software –

get the best auto booking app on google play

vehice repair appointments app for Windows

vehicle booking app for browser

24/7 Support

Contact us via email at and we will reply in a timely manner.