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Inventory Management

Keep track of your car parts, tires, labor, and service packages!

Managing your auto shop’s inventory has never been easier.

Car Parts Inventory

track movement and update quantities automatically

Labor Items

create your own auto repair services and use them in invoices

Tire Inventory

mange your tire stock with no issues

Reliable Inventory Management with ARI

– never worry about missing parts or inaccurate inventories again-

Auto Parts Inventory

– manage your car parts easily and accurately –

With ARI, you can rest assured that you will always have a very clear understanding of what parts you have on stock and what to order next. Item quantities are updated automatically every time you create an invoice.

Barcode Scanner

The best way to keep your SKUs in order is by using barcodes. With ARI, you can register your parts inventory by barcodes and so it will much easier to find them later on in your inventory.

500+ Common Car Parts

ARI comes with a built-in database of vehicle parts. they are all arranged in easy to find categories that are standard for the automotive industry. You can use common parts or you can add your own unique ones.

Part Ordering

Create part orders right from ARI. When an item is out of stock or it has reached the critical quantity limit you set up, the system will prompt you to order new parts right away. Everything will be done seamlessly through the app, you just need to send your order to the car parts provider via email!

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parts inventory

tire management with ARI

Tires Inventory Management

– perfect for those auto shops that deal with tires –

Are you providing tire change services? Do you also happen to have your own tires inventory? Well, now you can easily manage your tire shop inventory with ARI.

Detailed Tire Info

Enter all your tires into the ARI system so you can easily add them to your invoices or estimates. This can help you create invoices faster and thus servicing your clients fast as well.

Tire Markup

Are you tired of manually calculating your tire sale prices? With ARI, you can set up a markup value, and then with a push of a button, your sales price will be calculated automatically.

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Labor Services

– store all your auto repair services with ARI –

As with any reputable auto repair shop, we’re sure you offer a wide range of services to your clients. However, typing all those services manually onto your invoice could be time-consuming. the is why you should add them ahead of time so that you can simply select them when the client is in the shop.

Built-In Labor Items

ARI comes with a built-in list of services ranging from oil changes to complex engine overhauls. This can be extremely useful when creating jobcards and invoices for your shop’s customers.

 Different Labor Types

Different jobs are being charged different prices per hour. Because of that, this auto repair software comes with 4 types of labor: Primary, Diagnostic, Fleet, Miscellaneous. You can set up a price per hour for each of these types and then when you select one the system will automatically calculate your total!

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inventory labor management

canned items and service packages

Canned Items

– group labor and parts for quick invoicing –

Using ARI’s Packages feature, you bundle services and parts together into one item with custom pricing and different quantity values. For example, if you provide oil changes, then you can group the oil items, filter items, and the labor item associated with oil changes.. Then, when you have to create an invoice for an oil change, simply add the package to your jobcard and all its parts and services will be automatically loaded into your invoice!

Add Parts

Include as many parts as you want in your package. Just make sure that you enter the part in the Parts section first so you can select it in the package. This way, the stock will update automatically when you create an invoice

Add Labor

Same as with parts, you can add as many labor items as you need into your package. This opens up the possibility to group together very complex service tasks such as engine tuning, suspension overhaul, brake repairs, and much more!

Advanced Stock Management

– your stock will be updated automatically when you sell or purchase a part –

Part Purchasing

You can create purchase orders straight from the inventory management section. When you mark an order as Received, the system will automatically update your stock numbers for the respective parts.

Part Selling

You can sell parts over the counter or you can include them in your auto repair services. Either way, your stock will update every time you sell a part. In addition, you can set up a min critical value for each part and so when the stock gets below that number, the system will mark that item as Need Purchasing and notify you to create a purchase order.

inventory management

Start your Inventory Management today

– unlimited parts and services entries –

– Get the Right Auto Repair Software –

get ARI and inventory management on google play

manage your inventory with ARI for Windows

unlimited inventory management with ARI for Web

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