vehicle management logo with ARI

Vehicle Management

Scan VINs, decode license plates, add service reminders, and get detailed car info from NHTSA!

Add as many vehicles you want and manage them from your phone.

Unlimited Vehicles

Add as many vehicles as you need!

Repair History

Use CarFax integration to obtain car service history!

Service Reminders

Set up automatic service reminders for your clients!

Advanced Vehicle Management with ARI

– here’s what to expect when using this auto repair software

Vehicle Discovery

– easily find data for any vehicle make and model –

ARI leverages 3 different, state-of-the-art, vehicle databases in order to ensure a wide range of vehicle make and models. We cover close to 4M vehicle types between 1945 to 2021.

VIN Lookup

We use NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) database for VIN decoding as well as CarFax integration. This is one of the biggest directories of vehicles. It includes vehicle info such as trim model, engine variant, coolant type, transmission type, fuel specs, and more.

License Plate Reader

All you have to do is point your camera phone to the license plate and ARI will read and decode your license plate according to CarFax database. Please note that this applies mostly to vehicle manufactures in US after 1995.

Year – Make – Model Lookup

Find more info about your vehicle using just the year, make, and model. ARI connects to a huge database that contains close to 4 million vehicles.

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ARI vehicle management lookup ipad

vehicle management diagnosis ARI

Vehicle Diagnosis

– use powerful integrations for diagnosis and vehicle management –

As any mechanic would agree, accurate diagnosis is the key to any successful repair project! That is why the ARI team has put tremendous efforts into adding some of the best car diagnosis features in this auto repair software.

Service History

You can pull service history about any vehicle registered in the CarFAx database. The info usually includes  last service date, labor performed, parts replaced, trouble bulletins, and much more. This works mostly for vehicles manufactured in US or Canada, but other countries are added constantly

Advanced Car Diagnosis

We also use CarMD for the advanced vehicle diagnosis section of ARI. This functionality allows you to get crucial data based on VIN. The data contains OBD port location, repair report, upcoming maintenance, TSB, safety recalls, etc.

Vehicle Management Options

– add photos, set reminders, attach owners –

No auto repair software is complete without some advanced vehicle management options. Rest assured that with ARI, you get everything you need to run your shop easily and confidently.

Service Reminders

ARI allows you to create automatic service reminders for your vehicle owners. In other words, the system will notify your clients via email when their service is due. In addition, you will be notified as well so you can book the client in advance into your shop.

Car Photos

You’ve heard the expression: “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Well, that stands true for auto repair software as much as anything else in life. Attaching a vehicle photo to your invoices will make them look professional.

Vehicle Fleet Management

Are you servicing car fleets? Do you want to keep all those vehicles under one single owner? With ARI you can create a connection between the owner and its vehicles so that you can easily check all their invoices, estimates, jobcards, and even generate billing statements!

vehicle fleet management

vehicle management labeling with ARI

Label Your Vehicles

– manage your autos easier with labels –

Are you tired of trying to find a vehicle in your database? Maybe you wanted to take a note while receiving a client but did not have a good way to do it? At ARI, we thought about that for you. You can create multiple custom labels for each of your vehicles. You can even manage all these labels in a way that you can really get the best out of your auto repair workflow!

VIN Barcode Reader

– point your camera on a VIN and ARI will do the rest –

VIN decoding

Using your phone or tablet’s camera, ARI can read any VIN barcode and add it to your vehicle’s entry. After that, you can use our VIN decoder to extract all the info about the vehicle. VIN barcode readers are extremely useful for vehicle management. Many of our mechanic clients use this as their main go-to tool when it comes to auto repair services!

Client Ownership

In order to ensure accurate client management, ARI allows you to create a connection between a vehicle and its owner. This way, when you scan a VIN or read a license plate, not only will you get the vehicle data but also its associated owner!

VIN barcode scanner

Start your Vehicle Management today

– unlimited vehicles entries –

– Get the Right Auto Repair Software –

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client management app for ios

manage your vehicles with ARI for Windows

unlimited vehicle management with ARI for Web

24/7 Support

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