Vendors in ARI

Use ARI to manage your vendors, business partners, and purchase orders for a streamlined auto repair experience. You will learn how to simplify your work process and handle your tasks in the best way possible.


Using specialized auto repair software ensures your business is properly organized. The info from your vendors syncs perfectly with the rest of business operations.


Change and edit the data whenever you feel it’s needed. Use custom labels and notes to add more context.

client portal icon


ARI’s highly customizable vendors reports options will assist in understanding the key relationships with your partners. 

Feature Setup and Use

Adding New Vendors/ Suppliers 

The way to add a new Vendor or Supplier is from the Profile menu. Once you are there – select Vendors/ Suppliers and hit the + button. This leads to a page where you need to fill in some key details about the Vendor. Including:

  • Name 
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Address 
  • Tax ID
  • Other notes/ info

Some of these are mandatory, others – optional. After you input the data – hit ‘Save vendor‘ to record the changes. You can change the details for each vendor and save the changes anytime.

*You can add pictures for each vendor from your device’s camera or gallery.

adding vendors in ARI

Vendors and Suppliers in Accounting

Once your Vendors are saved in your business profile – you can start using them for your accounting. 

Two major Accounting items are commonly used with the Vendor info – Expenses and Purchases. For Purchases – you can input which part you’ve bought, where is it coming from, the quantity, and who’s the vendor.

For Expenses – you can select an Expense type along with a Vendor and fill in the details. You can list a part/ item purchase as an Expense too. You can fill in more details such as Total Amount, Paid Amount, Tax, Invoice #, and more.

You can sort and filter all Accounting records from your Vendors using the Grid View. By using the List View – the first thing you’ll see in the Accounting section is the Vendor’s picture. 

Vendor Reports

You can create detailed reports for your Vendors based on the transactions you have together. The reports allow you to track details about the total Expenses and Purchases you have with a certain Vendor for a specific timeframe.

You can add or remove data fields while using the grid view. You can filter the data every month or however, you like and export the reports for your reference.

The reports and stats section in ARI lets you monitor, export, and manage all key business information about your shop. You can check the data, segment, and filter it, or create detailed CSV reports for your Invoices, Clients, Vendors, and others and export them quickly.

vendors report in ARI

Complete your Vendor setup in ARI.

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