The Best Way to Check Your Auto Repair Shop’s Performance

ARI Dashboard

As of ARI V9.8+ you can now get all the important info about your auto repair business in one view, the ARI Dashboard. This can help you manage your business easily and also keep a very close eye on your business’ growth.

Make sure you first update your ARI app to the latest version

Here are some of the most important sections of the Dashboard

Monthly Invoices and Estimates count

In this graph, you can see all the Invoices and Estimates you have created for the past 7 months. This can give you a quick overview of how your auto repair business is growing and also show you the strongest months as well as the weakest ones.

monthly invoices and estimates


Clients and Vehicles

In this section, you can see all the existing and new clients and vehicles you have added to your account.  The data goes back 7 months in order to give you a good look of how your business is growing.

clients and vehicles graph


Invoice Values

In this graph, you can see the total and paid values of all invoices created in the past 7 months. Please note that the data uses the Total values of your invoices, not the Due value. This is a great way to check how your business finances look like on a month-by-month basis.

auto repair invoice values


Payments by Month and Type

In this graph, you can see all the payments processed by month and by type. This data comes from the Payments module, not from your invoices.

payments by month and type


Purchases, Expenses, Profit

This section shows 3 of the most valuable data sets for any auto repair business. On the upper-left corner, we have the Purchases value followed by the Expenses and then the Profit values recorded for your shop. All this data comes from your Accounting module. You can also filter all these individually by this month, last month, last 30 days, last 90 days, and all.

Purchases Expenses and Profit


Due Invoices

Here you can see a list of all the due invoices under your account. Please note that the data contains all invoices that have a due value bigger than zero. In other words, even if an invoice is marked as paid, if the Due is still >0, it will show in this list. You can also Open an invoice straight from this view.

Due Invoices


Upcoming Appointments

Just like the name suggests, this view shows all the upcoming appointments for your auto repair shop. You can filter them by Today, Tomorrow, Next 7 days, Next 30 days, and All. You can also open the booking record directly from this view in case you want to change its status or edit the info.

Upcoming Appointments


Upcoming Service Reminders

In this list, you can find all the service reminders that are about to become due. The info provided contains the client name, vehicle make and model as well as the due date. Once again, you can easily open the record straight from the view.


Out-of-Stock Parts

Here you can easily see the parts that are out of stock from your inventory. You should know that the data filters all parts that have a negative stock Qty value.

parts that are out of stock


Recent Payments

This is a list of the last 9 recent payments that you have recorded in your Payments module. You can easily open any of the records to see details or change the status. This is a crucial feature that any auto repair software should possess.

recent payments


Running Clocks

In this list, you can see all the employees who have clocked in and their clocks are still running. This is the perfect place to get a good view of who is working in your shop and what car and service exactly. You can also use this data later on when calculating your auto repair labor rates.

running clocks


Workflow Status

Here you can see all your JobCards classified by their status: Created, Work In Progress, Completed. You can also see the total values accumulated for each category.

workflow status


New Plus Button for Fast Creation

Use the Plus button on the Dashboard page to easily create new Clients, Vehicles, Invoices, Appointments, and Inspections.

plus button on dashboard

What data do you need?

Let us know what else we can add to this Dashboard so we make it even more useful for you and your auto repair business. We want ARI to be the #1 auto repair software in the field, and we can do that only with your help.